Вера Бобкова

Am I Smart Enough to Present at Conferences?

Полина Кордик и Юлия Столярчук

Revision and Recycling of Vocabulary

Алексей Лебедев

Never stop your CPD - Cherishing Precious Dreams

Екатерина Сташевская

Dealing with mistakes: from hate to love

Надежда Букина

Trust and be trusted – 

setting up groups that thrive

Наталья Белоусова

Common sense (versus?) methodology
in modern ELT

Наталья Иванова

Choice in your classroom:
dream or reality

Дарья Федорова

English: connecting people. Or how to turn your groups of adults into tiny communities

Марина Долгачева

From Vocabulary Builders to Vocabulary Enjoyers

Наталья Шебеко

Far and Beyond the Classroom

Алевтина Попова

How to use memes as units of cultural information to teach English

Анита Модестова

Teach the student, not the book, and even not the language

Владимир Павлович

The role of authentic materials in helping students to communicate confidently and accurately in real-life situation

Виктория Кривченко

Computer games
are not our enemy,
they are tools!

Галина Шаронова

How to develop students' mediation skills: some practical ideas and tools

Ксения Кемова

Teaching grammar
to promote soft skills

Татьяна Фанштейн

Slippery slope of conscious learning (kids and teens)

Катерина Скрябина

The neuroscience of stress in the ESL classroom

Леся Петракова

Brain-friendly teaching

Виктория Тевс

How to inspire students to set sail for the coasts of writing

Ирина Луценко

Chat GPT:
The death of writing?

Екатерина Конон

Motivating your students through the use of new technologies and neural networks

Елена Цимбалюк

Metacognitive Tools That Work: Reflection Strategies

Екатерина Амелина

The benefits of low teacher control

Светлана Шустрова

The Physical Aspect of Speaking

Ольга Камышникова

Watching movies: fun way to learn English?

Юлия Дементьева

How to create unique reading lessons 

every time

Надежда Манохина

How a book club can keep you afloat in a period of personal turmoil

Оксана Тазова

Enjoy the adventure of reading
with a reading club

Наталия Спиридович

Working effectively across cultures: developing students’ CQ